Swept Away: Love Letter to A Surrogate

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April 22, 2023, 8:00 am to 12:00 PM
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Annenberg Community Beach House
415 Pacific Coast Highway
Santa Monica, CA 90402
Swept Away: Love Letter to A Surrogate

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.

A community-oriented art project that aims to create a transcontinental heartbeat across America. In September 2022, 65 LA artists sent “love letters” to artists in Long Island who responded with live performances on East Hampton’s Main Beach in October. On April 22 & 23, the 65 west coast artists will present their performances inspired by their East Coast counterparts’ letters.

Swept Away is created and produced by Warren Neidich, Christina Strassfield, Anuradha Vikram, Renée Petropoulos, and Julie McKim. Presented by 18th Street Arts Center and Guild Hall in East Hampton, and made possible with support from Art of Recovery, a City of Santa Monica Cultural Affairs initiative, and Annenberg Community Beach House.

Swept Away: Love Letter to A Surrogate