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DAWN OF THE DEAD 3-D, 1978, New Amsterdam Entertainment, 127 min, Dir. George A. Romero. Writer-director George A. Romero ups the ante on his indie landmark NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD with a bigger budget, more gore (courtesy of special effects/makeup artist Tom Savini) and a touch of social commentary. Four people take refuge in a Pennsylvania shopping mall as a mysterious plague turns fresh corpses into flesh-hungry zombies and civilization collapses around them. This is the original, unrated 1979 U.S. theatrically released version of DAWN OF THE DEAD which has been lovingly and meticulously adapted to a 3-D format under the frame-by-frame supervision of DAWN’S original producer, Richard P. Rubinstein. “One of the best horror films ever made.” – Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times. Special 3-D Ticket Price: $15. No Vouchers accepted.