City Garage Theatre presents Betrayal by Harold Pinter

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March 10, 2024, 4:00 pm to 5:30 PM
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City Garage Theater
2525 Michigan Ave
Santa Monica, CA 90404
City Garage Theatre presents Betrayal by Harold Pinter

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.

Join City Garage Theatre for their production of Betrayal by Harold Pinter. One of Nobel prize-winner Harold Pinter’s most critically acclaimed works, Betrayal tells the story of a long-running affair and the punishing effect of the lies and complex jealousies of the three people involved: Emma, Jerry, and Emma’s husband, Robert. Emma and Jerry, attracted to each other since the night of her wedding to Robert, begin an affair. It goes on for seven years. Emma reveals that she confessed the truth to Robert. Jerry, confused, goes to Robert to explain himself. To his surprise, Robert tells him that he has known about the affair for years, a fascinating game of sexual manipulation between the three of them. Told in reverse chronology, Pinter underlines both the emotional complexity and the painful price of desire, of truth and lies, and what we conceal from each other and from ourselves.

For more info, click here.

City Garage Theatre presents Betrayal by Harold Pinter