Everything Old is New Again: Adaptive Reuse in Santa Monica

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November 6, 2022, 5:00 pm to 6:30 PM
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Everything Old is New Again: Adaptive Reuse in Santa Monica

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.

As part of our 20th Anniversary Celebrations, the Santa Monica Conservancy is proud to announce Everything Old is New Again: Adaptive Reuse in Santa Monica, a special virtual program airing on Sunday, November 6th from 5-6:30 p.m.
Over time, the needs of a community can change. Buildings with rich histories and architectural value often become outmoded, underutilized, or abandoned altogether. Yet they can live on to serve new and different uses through the process of adaptive reuse. This fully illustrated program explores how local adaptive reuse projects conserve resources, help the environment, save the city’s historic heritage and preserve a sense of place and identity. Everything Old is New Again will offer attendees insight into several high-profile projects from around Santa Monica, including the Proper Hotel, Pono Burger, the Preservation Resource Center and Frank Gehry’s highly anticipated Ocean Avenue project.

Click here for more information and tickets.

Everything Old is New Again: Adaptive Reuse in Santa Monica