90th Anniversary of the 1929 Women’s National Air Derby
This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.
Come and join us in commemorating the 90th Anniversary of the 1929 Women’s National Air Derby by flying the first leg of the race from Santa Monica to San Bernardino.
For more information, visit https://letusfly.wixsite.com/airderby2019
Event for the public is free. Come meet the pilots at the Observation Deck at 9:30am and watch the planes take off around 11:00am
Pilots interested to fly in the derby, need to register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/90th-anniversary-womens-national-air-derby-tickets-66415056221 The entry fee is $35 per person. The entry fee includes light breakfast at KSMO and lunch at KSBD. The closing date for entries is midnight, Aug 14, 2019.